The list is made up of other bibliographical references taken from important books on local art and culture and of newspaper articles, magazines essays and monographs, which can be found on the main online catalogues (the opac of the “Rete Bibliotecaria Bresciana” http://opac.provincia.brescia.it/, the catalogue of “Biblioteca Queriniana” http://catalogoqueriniana.comune.brescia.it/zetesis/zetesis.asp, of SBN http://www.sbn.it/opacsbn/opac/ iccu/base.jsp and the MAI http://www.aib.it/aib/opac/mai2.htm3).
Important is also the contribution of the “Fondo Tesi Camuno” (which can also be consulted online at the
website address http://www.cmvallecamonica.bs.it/ente/sistemabibliotecario/fondotesi/), which collects thesis
on our valley and makes them available for those who are interested.
What you find here is only a small part of what has been edited, but we believe this is a useful toil for those
who want to delve further into these themes.
If you want to give us suggestions or to point out some mistakes, please feel free to do so at the e-mail
address: info@bornomontagnainliberta.eu.